How to Choose the Best Dehumidifier for Your Garage Complete Guide

Are you struggling with high humidity in your garage? Do you need help choosing the best dehumidifier for your needs? You’re in luck!

We’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you make the right decision for a smart, safe, and healthy space.

A dehumidifier is a device used to reduce the level of humidity in the air, which can be especially important if you store items in your garage that can be damaged by moisture. Humidity can also create an uncomfortable living environment, so a dehumidifier can help make your garage a more comfortable and safe place to be.

When looking to buy a dehumidifier for your garage, there are several factors you should consider such as size, energy efficiency, noise level, and warranty coverage. This guide will help you identify what type of dehumidifier is best for your need and provide tips for choosing the right one.

Understanding Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers are designed to extract moisture from the air, and they typically come in three main types – heat pump, evaporative, and desiccant. Depending on the size of your garage, the climate where you live, and the level of humidity you want to reduce, one type may work better for you than another. It is important to understand how each type works so that you can make an informed decision about what type of dehumidifier will best serve your needs.

Heat Pump Dehumidifier: Heat pump dehumidifiers use refrigerants to cool warm air from your garage and extract moisture from it. As the air passes over colder coils inside the appliance, water droplets condense out of it and collect at the bottom of a collection tank before being drained away. This type of dehumidifier is often more energy-efficient than other varieties because it does not require a lot of electricity to operate.

Evaporative Dehumidifier: This type of dehumidifier uses a fan to draw in warm air from your garage which then passes through cooling coils soaked in a water bath before being pushed back into the room again as cooler air with much reduced humidity levels. An evaporative unit can be very efficient but also tends to require more maintenance than other types due to its reliance on water baths that must be cleaned regularly.

Desiccant Dehumidifier: Desiccant dehumidifiers use silica gel or another form of desiccant material in order to absorb moisture out of the air. These units usually need less power as compared to other types but are also more expensive on average and tend to last for shorter periods than other models do due their reliance on disposable desiccant material that must be regularly replaced or discarded once it becomes saturated with moisture.

Definition and function

Dehumidifiers are appliances used to reduce the amount of moisture in the air. In spaces that have an excessively high level of humidity, such as garages, basements, and enclosed porches, a dehumidifier can help keep indoor air comfortable and healthy.

A dehumidifier works by drawing in ambient air which passes through cooling coils that condense water vapor, allowing it to be collected into a storage tank or other receptacle for disposal. By removing excess moisture from the air, a dehumidifier prevents mold growth and reduces odors caused by dampness. It also assists in maintaining good indoor air quality (IAQ) by reducing dust mites and other allergens that thrive when humidity levels are too high.

Types of dehumidifiers

When you’re shopping for a dehumidifier for your garage, you’ll want to make sure that the unit you choose is able to handle the specific conditions of your space. Here are some of the types of dehumidifiers you’ll need to consider when choosing the best model:

Compressor-based Dehumidifiers: Compressor-based units are well-suited for larger areas with high humidity levels due to their powerful dehydrating abilities. These types of models come equipped with an internal compressor and coolant, which helps them remove moisture from the air. However, it is important to note that these models are louder than other types of dehumidifiers and tend to require more energy usage.

Desiccant Dehumidifiers: Desiccant dehumidifiers are an increasingly popular option due to their ability to work in temperatures as low as +35°F (+2°C). While they aren’t as powerful as compressor-based models, they offer a quiet operation and a low energy usage so they may be more cost effective over time.

Heat Pump Dehumidifiers: Heat pump units are a great choice for large areas that need effective moisture removal from cooler temperatures (down to +41°F or +5°C). This type combines heat exchange technology with refrigeration principles, making it one of the most efficient forms of dehumidification on the market today. It’s also quieter than compressor based models and requires less energy usage as well.

Factors to consider when choosing a dehumidifier for a garage

When you are in the market for a dehumidifier to clear up excess humidity in your garage, there are several factors to consider. You want to make sure you get the right model and size for your space, as well as ensuring that it meets any applicable safety standards or certifications.

The size of the dehumidifier should be determined by the volume of air needed to be treated. The equation is simple: the more air passing through your dehumidifier, the bigger it needs to be. A good indicator is to determine approximately how much humidity exists in your garage and figure out how many cubic feet per minute (CFM) of airflow can pass through each room.

Another factor to keep in mind is whether or not you need a unit that effectively removes outside air. Some units are designed only for indoor use, some for outdoor use only and some designed for both indoor and outdoor applications. If you choose an indoor-only unit, make sure that it can handle temperatures greater than 70°F because high temperatures can cause condensation on walls and other surface areas inside the garage.

Energy efficiency is also an important consideration; look for a unit with low wattage requirements that works efficiently without consuming too much electricity or requiring complex maintenance jobs like filter replacement or cleaning other components regularly. Your model should have good user reviews indicating reliability so you know you’ll get great performance over time without needing lots of repairs. Last but not least, check if your chosen model meets up safety standards including UL (Underwriters Laboratory) Safety Certification if applicable within your location/region – this ensures that the from any potential dangers such as fires hazards resulting from an exposed internal electrical component etc..

III. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dehumidifier for Your Garage

When choosing a dehumidifier for your garage, it is important to take several factors into consideration in order to choose the best option for you. Some of the key considerations include the size of the space and how much humidity needs to be extracted, any features which might make it more suitable for your situation and any extra features beyond basic dehumidification.

Three important factors to consider are outlined below:

  1. Room Size and Humidity Requirement: It is important to consider the size of space that needs to be dehumidified when selecting a dehumidifier. Also take into consideration any additional factors that may impact the rate of moisture extraction such as location, temperature, or ventilation.
  2. Features: Many dehumidifiers come with additional features such as air filtration, energy efficiency settings, timer functions, noise reduction technology and direct drainage capabilities. Consider which additional features you need or would like in order to get the most benefit from your purchase.
  3. Additional Benefits beyond Dehumidification: Some dehumidifiers also offer by-products besides just lowering humidity levels such as air purification, improved indoor air quality or odor absorption capabilities which may be beneficial depending on your requirements.

By considering these three key factors when making your purchase decision you can ensure that you are choosing the best dehumidifier for your particular purpose and be satisfied with your purchase.

Size and capacity

When purchasing a dehumidifier for your garage, one of the most important considerations should be size and capacity. When selecting the right size dehumidifier you must factor in the volume of air in your garage, as well as the amount of moisture in that air.

A good rule of thumb is to purchase a unit that is capable of removing at least twice as much moisture as the predicted maximum humidity level in your space. For example, if you predict your humidity level to reach 70% on an average day then you should look at buying a dehumidifier that can remove at least 140 pints per day (2 x 70%).

In addition, it’s important to select a machine with enough power for the space it is intended for. Generally speaking, larger units will prove more efficient than smaller ones so if possible buy bigger rather than smaller so that you can get greater efficiency from the unit.

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Portability and ease of use

Portability and ease of use are important factors to consider when selecting a dehumidifier for your garage. Before choosing the size you need, you should consider how often you will need to move it from one location to another. Different types of dehumidifiers have various mobility features, such as wheels for maneuverability or handles for easy lifting.

Additionally, some units can be adjusted and set up easily through digital displays or remote controls. Be sure to factor in the weight of any unit that you purchase — heavy models can be difficult to transport over long distances or up stairs.

Top Dehumidifiers for Garages

Choosing the right dehumidifier for your garage may be more difficult than you think. There are several things to consider when selecting a unit for your space, including capacity, size, portability, efficiency and noise levels. Each of these factors will influence your choice and make it easier to find the best dehumidifier for your space. To help narrow it down, below is a roundup of the top dehumidifiers available on the market:

AlorAir Sentinel HDi90 Dehumidifier: Offering top-of-the-line features like its patented CoreSense technology and intelligent sensor system, this unit is perfect for larger spaces. It allows you to set the desired humidity level easily with its intuitive features and boasts impressive energy efficiency ratings. At 90 pints of moisture removal per day, it’s one of the most powerful models available on the market today.

Frigidaire FAD354DWD 35-Pint Dehumidifier: This small to mid-sized option from Frigidaire offers plenty of power in a compact design. It packs a punch with its ability to remove up to 35 pints of moisture per day, making it ideal for smaller garages or storage areas that don’t require a larger unit. It also has an ecofriendly design that utilizes just 3 kWh per week on average and an automatic shutoff feature that comes in handy during humid days.

Vremi 70 Pint Energy Star Dehumidifier: This Vremi model is designed primarily for basement or extra large garages with spaces up to 4500 square feet. With 15 settings and five modes of operation you can customize it exactly how you want it including automatically turning on or off as needed to maintain optimal humidity levels throughout the day or pushing out alerts whenever necessary—making sure your garage gets exactly what it needs all year round! Additionally, this Energy Star rated model also includes wheeled casters so that you can move it conveniently wherever needed!

Reviews of top dehumidifiers

Before selecting a dehumidifier for your garage, it’s important to understand the different types available and their features. There are many different makes and models on the market today, which can make it difficult to choose one that is good for your specific needs. Many of the newer models have advanced features, such as humidity and temperature sensors, adjustable fan speeds, programmable timers and energy efficiency ratings. Additionally, some have built-in air purification filtration systems or special features designed for moisture sensitive items and spaces.

To determine which model is best for you and your garage needs, take some time to read reviews from independent sources like Consumer Reports or other websites specifically dedicated to appliances. Read what other owners say about factors such as noise levels, portability and installation difficulty. Keep in mind that while these reviews can be helpful in deciding on a specific make/model dehumidifier, they do not guarantee performance or quality of any particular model in all cases.

Pros and cons of each dehumidifier

When selecting the best dehumidifier for your garage, it’s important to consider the pros and cons associated with each type of device.

Refrigerant Dehumidifiers: Refrigerant dehumidifiers are some of the most common types of dehumidifiers found in garages and other humid indoor locations. As their name implies, they use a refrigerant to draw moisture out of the air. One advantage of using a refrigerant dehumidifier is that it is relatively quiet. They are also relatively energy efficient, making them cost-effective to operate over time. The downside is that they can be on the expensive side when compared to other models, and require regular maintenance for optimal performance.

Desiccant Dehumidifiers: Desiccant dehumidifiers use an absorbent material, such as silica gel, to draw water from the air. These types are often more affordable than refrigerant models and require less effort when it comes to maintenance and cleaning. However, desiccants tend to be noisier than refrigerants and not quite as energy efficient. Additionally, they require frequent replacement in order for them to continue working effectively over time.

Thermal Condensation Dehumidifers: Thermal condensation dehumidifiers work by using warmth in order to vaporize moisture which is then released as steam outdoors rather than into a reservoir container built into the system unit itself. The advantage of this type is that it doesn’t need replacements such as refrigerant can and desiccant and it is suitable for some more moist environments. However, its noise level is even louder in comparison with refrigerants. Similarly, its efficiency can also vary which makes it more expensive to operate over time.

Installation and Maintenance of Dehumidifiers

Installing and maintaining your dehumidifier is an important part of ensuring it works properly and safely. Choosing the right model, understanding how to install it, regularly cleaning and maintaining it are all important factors in keeping your dehumidifier running well.

Installation When selecting a dehumidifier for your garage, you’ll need to decide between installing the unit permanently or going for a more mobile option. The size of the model is also essential in both cases, as something with too much capacity may be more than your needs require. If you intend to run multiple units for larger areas, then keeping track of moisture levels across these can help avoid waste.

Permanent Installation – When setting up a permanent dehumidifier in your garage, there are several features that become necessary such as filters and ducts. Make sure to choose one with an AC unit so that air is circulated effectively around all points of the space which should be sealed during installation. It will also need to be connected to power circuitry safely according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Portable Dehumidifiers – If mobility is what you’re looking for in a dehumidifier then opting for one with wheels or handles allows movement around different parts of the garage easier during its operation period. Additionally, ensure that outlets are within reach wherever you plan on using a portable model as these need constant power connection when operating.

Maintenance When using any type of electronic device, it’s vital to consider maintenance needs like regularly checking the water tank and pipes for any blockages which can prevent proper drainage from happening properly. Regular replacement of air filters ensures debris isn’t blocking ventilation points allowing air circulation throughout he space comfortably. Regularly clean off dust inside and outside components by using warm damped rags or cloths. By considering these details when using any kind of dehumidifying equipment allows longer lifespan use out we whatever type you purchase.

Placement of dehumidifier in the garage

It’s important to know the size of the garage before selecting a dehumidifier and deciding on positioning. Placement is essential in order to maximize the efficiency of your unit. It should be placed in a way to ensure that air will pass it effectively.

If you have narrow or small doorways that cause air to be diverted around furniture or other objects, consider spoiling your dehumidifier in an open area, as placement along these walls will not draw enough air into the unit. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight and any other area where hot air may rise up and interfere with its operations. After you find an appropriate location for your dehumidifier, you can plug it into an outlet and let it run.

When positioning your unit make sure to:

  • Place the unit where airflow is clear – far away from any furniture or obstacles
  • Opt for a corner location – this usually maximizes airflow
  • Avoid placing near radiators, vents, windows or other sources of heat

The 5 Best Dehumidifiers of 2023 | Reviews by Wirecutter

Maintenance and cleaning of the dehumidifier

Once you decide on a dehumidifier for your garage, it’s important to know how to maintain and clean it properly. Depending on the model and usage, you will likely want to clean the filter every few months and the coils at least once a year. Cleaning a dehumidifier can be relatively simple with the right supplies and instructions.

Cleaning the filters
Dust and particles can easily accumulate in the filter of your dehumidifier, so it’s important to keep them clean so that air is able to flow through. To do this, you should unplug your unit, remove any grates or covers protecting the filter, gently pull out the filter, spray it down with compressed air (or use a vacuum cleaner) to remove dust and dirt particles, then let it sit until completely dry before reinstalling it back into its place.

Cleaning internal components
If left unsealed or obstructed by dirt and debris, moisture can form on internal components like motors or fans causing mold or mildew buildup that can be difficult to deal with if not caught early enough. To avoid this issue altogether, make sure to use compressed air again every once in a while to get rid of any obstruction of dust or particles that might otherwise cause moisture buildup over time. This will help ensure that all internal components stay dry for optimal efficiency when in use.


Choosing the best dehumidifier for your garage can be an overwhelming task, but by considering a few key factors such as size and features, you will be able to make a more informed buying decision. The size and type of dehumidifier you buy will also depend largely on your budget and the amount of space that needs to be covered. It’s important to remember that larger, more expensive options are not always better than smaller models. Before buying a dehumidifier, be sure to shop around and compare prices and user reviews in order to get the best value for your money.

Finally, proper installation and maintenance will help ensure optimal performance from your new dehumidifier. Always read the manual that comes with your unit so you understand how it works and what is required for proper operation, storage and maintenance – making sure to clean the filter regularly! Keeping these tips in mind will help you make an informed purchasing decision that best suits your home’s humidity needs.


What size dehumidifier do I need for garage?

The size of the dehumidifier required for your garage depends on the size of the garage and the level of humidity. A general guideline is that for a garage up to 500 sq. ft., a 30-pint dehumidifier should be sufficient, while for larger garages, a 50-pint or 70-pint dehumidifier may be required.

Which is the best dehumidifier for garage?

There are many good dehumidifiers for garages, and the best one for you depends on your specific needs. Some popular options include the Frigidaire 70-Pint Dehumidifier, the hOmeLabs 4,500 Sq. Ft Energy Star Dehumidifier, and the Vremi 1,500 Sq. Ft. Dehumidifier.

Is it worth putting a dehumidifier in a garage?

Yes, it can be worth putting a dehumidifier in a garage, especially if you store items in there that could be damaged by high humidity levels. Dehumidifiers can also help prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can be harmful to your health.

How do I choose the right size dehumidifier?

To choose the right size dehumidifier, you need to consider the size of the room, the level of humidity, and the number of people or items in the room. A general guideline is that a 30-pint dehumidifier is suitable for rooms up to 500 sq. ft., while a 50-pint or 70-pint dehumidifier may be required for larger rooms.

Which type of dehumidifier is best?

There are different types of dehumidifiers available, including refrigerant, desiccant, and hybrid models. The best type for you depends on your specific needs. Refrigerant dehumidifiers are the most common and effective for most applications, while desiccant models are better for colder environments.

What is the number 1 dehumidifier?

There is no single “number 1” dehumidifier, as the best one for you depends on your specific needs. However, some popular options include the hOmeLabs 4,500 Sq. Ft Energy Star Dehumidifier, the Frigidaire 70-Pint Dehumidifier, and the Vremi 1,500 Sq. Ft. Dehumidifier.

What is the cheapest way to dehumidify a garage?

The cheapest way to dehumidify a garage is to use a moisture absorber or a homemade dehumidifier, such as a bucket of calcium chloride or charcoal. However, these methods may not be as effective as using a dedicated dehumidifier.

What is the best garage humidity?

The best garage humidity is between 30-50% relative humidity. This range is considered ideal for preventing mold and mildew growth and keeping stored items in good condition.

Is a dehumidifier or fan better for garage?

A dehumidifier is better for reducing humidity levels in a garage, while a fan can help circulate air and prevent stagnant air pockets. However, using a combination of both can be even more effective.

Should I run my dehumidifier everyday?

Whether you should run your dehumidifier every day depends on the level of humidity in your home. If the humidity levels are consistently high, it may be beneficial to run the dehumidifier continuously. Otherwise, you may only need to run it intermittently to maintain a comfortable humidity level.

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